Business Insurance Needs

Safeguard your enterprise with top-notch business insurance. It’s designed to fit your unique needs. This ensures you’re protected from liabilities, risks, and unexpected events.1 Companies aiming high need a partner to protect them from potential risks and challenges. We, as your insurance broker, cover you proactively. We aim to ensure that protecting your company’s growth is a smooth, straightforward, and responsive process.

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive business insurance solutions tailored to your needs
  • Protection against liabilities, risks, and uncertainties
  • Proactive risk management to support your growth ambitions
  • Seamless, intuitive, and responsive insurance experience
  • Trusted partner committed to your success

Protect Your Growth Ambitions

At Founder Shield, we know success involves both chances and risks. We’ve introduced a new way of thinking about business insurance. It’s meant to guard your company and fuel your ambition to grow.2

Shielding Your Company from Potential Risks

We offer a full range of insurance plans to deal with various dangers. This includes liability, property, and workers’ compensation coverage. We make sure your risk levels are low, so you can focus on your business without worry.2

Proactive Coverage for Risk Management

Having the right insurance can prevent penalties and legal trouble. It can also cut the risk of not following laws by 22%. For businesses like estheticians, they face a 45% higher chance of being sued for the services they provide.2 We don’t wait for risks to show up. We prepare by putting the right plans in place to protect your business and keep you ahead of new dangers.

We cover everything from professional mistakes to cyber threats. Our experts design a plan just for you. It meets all your unique needs and keeps you safe from the unexpected.23


Founder Shield is the modern choice for insurance. It’s all done online, making it easy and with less paperwork. We provide valuable startup advice and lots of free resources. Our goal is to simplify insurance so that you can focus on growing your business.

We work closely with you and our partners to find the perfect coverage. Our understanding of the industry and tailored approach sets you up for success now and in the future.

Seamless and Intuitive Insurance Experience

At Founder Shield, we aim to make your business insurance needs journey easy and smooth.4 Buying insurance doesn’t have to hard; that’s our belief. We make getting insurance simple and user-friendly.4

We use technology to cut out the boring tasks at insurance companies.5 This means we’re always ready to answer your questions and handle your needs quickly. This includes looking after your liability coverage, risk management, and unique needs.5

Our insurance solutions, like commercial policies and property protection, are set up to be smooth from start to finish.5 When you work with us, you’ll know right away about payments, your policy status, and when things are due. Everything flows without hassle.5

We use the latest tech and big data to quickly figure out what insurance your business needs.5 This speeds up the process. You don’t have to wait long to know your options in workers’ compensation, professional indemnity, and more.5


seamless insurance experience

We’re all about making your insurance experience easy. This lets you focus on growing your business. With us, you get a partner that’s there to support your success. We’re committed to protecting your growth and helping you achieve your big goals.

Tailored Insurance Coverage for Every Stage

At Founder Shield, we know businesses have unique needs. We’ve made tailored programs for each growth stage. You get just the right coverage, no matter how far along you are.

Early Stage: Startup Insurance Program

Early-stage startups really watch their budget. Our Startup Insurance Program helps them get started. It covers businesses with 1-10 employees, up to $10M funding. This support is crucial as they grow and find their way.6

Growth Stage: Scaling with Confidence

As companies grow in the Growth Stage, we’re there to support them. We offer coverage that matches their expansion. It helps businesses with 10-500 employees, up to $200M funding. With our help, you can scale confidently.

Late Stage/Public: Navigating Expansion

Advanced companies can trust us in the Late Stage/Public phase. We offer specialized coverage for the big leagues. It supports businesses with 500+ employees, over $200M funding. We understand what you need, and we’re here to ensure your success.

No matter where your company is, Founder Shield is here for you. We make sure you have the right insurance. Our experts will team up with you to make a plan that fits your business perfectly.

One-Stop Shop for All Your Insurance Needs

CLA Insurance provides a wide range of insurance. We cover your business, its leaders, and your investors. Our solutions grow with your company, meeting your needs for business insurance, liability coverage, and commercial policies at every step.7

Comprehensive Suite of Insurance Products


We offer property protection, workers’ compensation, professional indemnity, and more. Our team also specializes in cyber security and product liability insurance. We get to know your business deeply, ensuring our policies match your unique aspects.7

Engineered to Scale with Your Business

Our insurance grows with you, whether you’re just starting, rapidly expanding, or already big. We work closely with you to create a risk management plan that helps you succeed for years to come.7

business insurance needs

Your Trusted Risk Management Partner

Don’t face risk management alone. We’re here to help, offering the best coverage options after understanding your business well.8 With over 75 years of experience, we serve 100,000 client companies in 200 markets worldwide.8

Extension of Your Team

Think of us as part of your team, always ready to offer guidance and support. We make sure the coverage you choose is perfect for your business.9 Our experts are here 24/7 to answer your questions. We have data on 195 million companies to help you better.8

Round-the-Clock Support

We’re your partners in risk management, available day and night. With a team of about 400 risk experts,8 we’re prepared for any challenge. Whether it’s handling unpaid debts affecting 80% of companies8 or preventing 25% of bankruptcies from unpaid bills, we’re here. Making 10,000 credit decisions daily8, we aim to safeguard your business’s future.

Business Insurance Needs Covered

Whether you need liability protection, risk management, or business policies, we’ve got you. Our wide range of business insurance covers everything you need. This includes workers’ compensation, professional indemnity, and cyber security insurance. We ensure your business is safe from many risks and issues.1011

General liability insurance is crucial for injury or damage claims. And, small business owners often choose product liability insurance too. Errors and omissions insurance covers mistakes in professional services. If property damage affects your income, we also have business income coverage.11 Workers’ compensation provides benefits for injuries on the job.11


Commercial property insurance guards buildings and equipment. Also, we offer commercial auto insurance for accidents with your company’s vehicles. Data breach insurance is vital for handling privacy breaches. Plus, commercial umbrella insurance increases your liability coverage.11

Don’t forget about employment practices liability insurance for fights against workplace claims.11 A BOP or Business Owner’s Policy is a great bundle. It includes general liability, property, and income insurance. If you own or rent a business space, consider small business hazard insurance11.

Liability insurance is a must for many businesses. Bonding, such as surety bonds, adds more protection. For new businesses, start with general and professional liability, and workers’ comp. Every small business needs insurance to protect against various risks11.

business insurance needs

Shifting from Traditional Brokers

The old way of doing insurance can feel long and boring. But, at Founder Shield, we’ve changed the game. We make things quicker, with less paperwork12, meaning we can focus more on your needs. We take extra time to understand what makes your business tick. This helps us provide exactly the coverage you need.

Automated and Streamlined Process

Our special online portal speeds up the quoting process. It gets rid of those repetitive tasks that slow things down at other insurance places.12 This means our team has more time to figure out how to protect your business best. We create plans that fit just right for you.

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

At Founder Shield, we dive deep into what makes your business unique. We want to know your values and how you work.12 This understanding is how we can offer the best coverage. The kind that works for you now and in the future.

Flexible Coverage for Complex Businesses

Founder Shield knows each business is unique. We specialize in understanding the challenges your unique organization faces. Our experts work with you to create a custom risk management plan. This plan gives you the right, flexible coverage to succeed.13

No matter your size or specialization, we’re here to help. If you’re a big company dealing with complex risks or a small startup, we’ve got your back. Our deep knowledge and strong partnerships allow us to offer unique policies. These policies fit your specific business needs perfectly.13

We provide a wide range of insurance, from protecting your property to cyber security. Our solutions are tailored to match what your business requires. We sit down with you to find your risks and fill any coverage gaps. This way, we help shield your business from unforeseen troubles.1314

Choosing Founder Shield means you’ll have a partner in managing risks. We’re dedicated to helping your business succeed in the long run. Let us be your guide through challenges and opportunities. Together, we’ll move your business ahead with the right protection and confidence.1314

business insurance

Simplified Insurance Purchasing Process

Looking for insurance doesn’t have to be hard. Our online portal cuts down the time. It lets you get quotes quickly without the wait of traditional brokers.15 You’ll go through applying, getting checked, and finally getting a quote, all online. Then, you can finish or alter your policy before you start.

Get a Quote Online

Our platform makes getting a quote quick and easy. Just a few clicks and you’ll be on your way. We make the process simple to save you time in choosing the best coverage for your .

Partner with a Specialist

After getting a quote, we pair you with professionals who know their stuff. They’ll craft a tailored risk management plan for your company’s needs. They work with your needs and challenges to ensure you’re well-covered with a flexible plan.

Stay Ahead of Industry Trends

We keep track of what’s new in politics, technology, law, and the economy for you. This helps us make sure you’re always up to date and protected.16 Knowing how big costs can be on your cash flow, we’re here to ensure it doesn’t shake your business.16 We keep an eye on the new risks and adjust your coverage promptly.

Industry Insights and Resources

To do better, you need the latest info. Our team is up-to-date with the newest in your field. We offer insights and resources. These keep you one step ahead.17 You’ll know about new rules, risks, and ways to manage them. We help you make smart choices and grow.

The insurance world deals with more risks now than 20 years back. These risks are from social, tech, eco, econ, and political areas. Major insurers are aiming to reduce risks and offer better solutions.17 By 2024, important trends include changing the business, using tech for strategies, and focusing on climate solutions.17

Our team leads in understanding these changes. We give you the knowledge and tools to do well. For example, a global survey in 2021 spoke with 5,300 small business insurance buyers. It included 501 from the US.18 In the US, most companies made under US$7 million. Many were under US$4 million. A third wanted more coverage, showing a chance to offer more.18 We use this survey to create solutions tailored for you.

Need help with new rules, risks, or managing them? We’re here to guide you. Taking care of customers is key for growth and change.17 Working with others and creating new insurance offers can make a big difference in attracting more customers.


Keep ahead with our top-notch help and tools. About two-thirds of people think they should change their coverage and costs during the year.18 Almost half would rather pay based on how much they use insured items.18 We assist in understanding these changing needs. It helps make sure your insurance keeps up with your growing business.

Key Business Insurance Coverages Coverage Details
General Liability Insurance Covers a wide range of common risks that businesses face.19
Product Liability Insurance Safeguards against claims arising from product-related issues such as defects.19
Professional Liability Insurance Protects service-providing businesses against claims of negligence or inadequate work.19
Property Insurance Shields business premises from events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.19
Equipment and Inventory Coverage Safeguards essential tools and products for businesses with significant investments.19
Cyber Liability Insurance Helps to safeguard against data breaches and cyber threats as businesses rely more on digital platforms.19
Business Interruption Insurance Provides support during unexpected disruptions, ensuring business continuity and coverage for expenses.19
Directors and Officers Insurance Protects corporate decision-makers from personal liabilities, encouraging innovative leadership.19

More and more people are interested in new coverages like cyber insurance and business interruption. It’s important to review policies regularly. This ensures your coverage matches your growing business.

We’re here to give you the latest on business insurance, liability, risk management, and more. Trust us to help grow your company successfully.


Ensure your company’s growth and future with our top-notch business insurance solutions. We are your reliable partner in managing risks, ensuring you get simple, smooth, and quick service. Our goal is to see you succeed by offering the right cover for all your business stages.20 We also make it easy to buy insurance and are always here to help, day or night.

Our insurance grows with your business, offering property and liability protection as you expand.21 No matter if you’re just starting or already big, we protect you with policies such as workers’ comp, cyber security, and more.

At Founder Shield, we go beyond being just insurance sellers. We’re honest partners dedicated to meeting your unique insurance needs, always working to keep your future secure.22 Our proactive style, detailed risk checks, and non-stop assistance let you focus on making your business a success, knowing it’s well-protected.


What types of business insurance solutions does Founder Shield offer?

Founder Shield has many business insurance options. These cover things like liability, risk management, property, and more. They even have workers’ comp and cyber security insurance.

How does Founder Shield’s insurance purchasing process differ from traditional brokerages?

The way Founder Shield buys insurance is simple and quick. They use technology to cut down on forms and speed up the process. This means they have more time to figure out what your business really needs.

How does Founder Shield tailor its insurance solutions to different stages of a company’s growth?

They craft insurance plans for companies at all growth stages. For startups, there’s a special plan. As companies grow, they provide plans that help them expand safely. Then for big companies, there are top-level options.

What is the advantage of Founder Shield’s hands-on approach with underwriters?

Founder Shield trains its underwriters to truly get your company. They learn about your culture and values. This helps them provide the best coverage and strategies for your success.

How does Founder Shield stay ahead of industry trends and developments?

Their team is always up-to-date on the latest in your industry. They share insights to keep you ahead. Their goal is to help you make smart choices and grow your business.

What kind of round-the-clock support does Founder Shield provide?

Founder Shield’s experts are available 24/7. They’re always ready to help with questions or issues. They aim to be your trusted partner, offering support any time you need it.

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